Thursday, February 11, 2010

My little girl is growing up and usually I am fine with it. In fact I think it's great that she is getting more independent and can do things for herself....but, at about 6:00 tonight Kira decided that she was old enough to walk her friends home in the semi dark by herself and my inner mommy, the one that sees her kids as babies forever, came out and I had a momentary brain freeze - what should I do. The house is down the street and around the corner out of my sight and it's dark and she would be alone and yada, yada. But, she was so insistant, that I decided to let her do it - so off they went. It took me about 5 seconds to run and get my keys, jump in the car and start following them at a safe distance. By this point I realize that I am so pathetic, but I just can't let her go alone, so I keep following until they get around the corner and to her friends house. Then it happens. She turns around and sees me. CRAP! How do I explain this one. She rides up to the car on her scooter and shouts "MOM WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" So I say, I just wanted to give you a ride home because I thought your legs would be tired after riding your scooter so far:) She bought it, but told me she wanted to ride home herself, so I let her go as I follow after her. To give her a little sense of satisfaction I beat her home and let her come down the long straight road by herself - but you guessed it, I was hiding, secretly watching her until she got home safe!:) Isn't being a mom great!


Jenny said...

You did the right thing, Meg. It's great to let kids be independent as long as they are safe. You never know now-a-days who could be lurking around the corner. Good mommying, Meg!

Amy said...


Amber said...

That is great! I would have done the same thing! Makes me nervous having them out of sight! Scary! U rock!