Tuesday, July 22, 2008


selling a house, buying a house, screaming girls, crying baby, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I need to vent! ;klasjd;lfj[aewo jupoadmf'ladsmg[pjuaen pioh gf'laskjefpou [oig;aewjfg jaerwh;ugh;dklvmas;eifpoijr ;lgvmdk. That felt good:)


Mickelson Family said...

OH Megan, Is there anything I can do to help? Even if I just came and picked up your kids or washed your dishes.

Jenny said...

Megon, oh how that made me laugh! Buck up, little trooper. Before you know it, you'll have sold your house, bought a new one and be food touring with us. Oh how I wish that day was here!