I just found a great quote while I was blogsurfing...
"The grand and the simple. They are equally wonderful. We women have a lot to learn about simplifying our lives. We have to decide what is important and then move along at a pace that is comfortable for us. We have to develop the maturity to stop trying to prove something. We have to learn to be content with what we are.” ~Marjorie Pay Hinckley~
I love this because I know that I have a tendency to always try to run faster than I need to or than I even can, and then I crash hard. I am always trying to be better like so and so, or do something the way that "they" do it. I told Dave one night that I wish I was more like my mom, getting things done all the time and having a clean house, etc. He said to me, "Megan, that's fine, but you have to do it in your own way." That really hit me and so lately I have been trying to be more comfortable with who I am and what I can do and then trust that that will be enough. Because of this, I had an "aha" moment a few weeks ago where I figured out that I am NOT a multitasker like most women I know. When I try to be, I go crazy. With me it is either take care of the kids, OR clean the house. There is no AND. It just enlightened me when I realized this because it changed my whole cleaning, laundry, life schedule. Now I try to do things at more of a "one at a time" pace and it is working so much better for me. I've been second guessing myself though, wondering if there is something wrong with me because I can't do it all at once. Finding this quote was an answer to my questioning. We are all different and need to do things the way that is comfortable for us and our family. I needed this today.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Enjoying the freeeeezing cold
Just like me, my kids are so ready for warmer weather...so in the 5 minutes (it's so true Amber!)that it took me to grab something, they decided to have a picnic in the freezing cold. I thought they looked so cute - and so cold. Funny kids.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I did it!
I am so sick and tired of being overweight! So, I joined Weight Watchers Online. I don't know if this was a smart idea or not, but I haven't been successful on my own and I really need some help in this area. I now have these cute new boobs and I can't even "show them off" (like my mom told me I need to do:)) because now my huge belly sticks out and I look about 7 months pregnant! I just bought some new clothes from Old Navy and I had to get XXL because of my ginormous belly. I am not telling you all this because I want sympathy or comments like "oh you're not fat",I mean come on, let's call it like it is:). I just wanted to sharebecause I thought that maybe if I put this out here in blogland that it would help motivate me to loose the weight even more because everyone would know that that is what my goal is. I just want to be healthy again more than anything. I have gained 60lbs since I got married, which makes me gag to think about. I gained a lot of that after I had Bryce and had some really bad post partuem depression, but I am over that now (yea!) and feel ready to take on the big bad world of weight loss. UGH! p.s. on a food sidenote, last nights brownies were yummy!
Friday, March 27, 2009
I am upstairs making Hershey's Triple Chocolate Chunk Brownies - can you say yummy (jodi I know you are drooling:)) - and I have 25 loooong minutes left until they are done so I thought I'd blog a little. Fridays around our house are Family Fun Nights and we either watch a movie as a family or go out for dessert or ice cream somewhere. Tonight we are watching "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" (that is where I am supposed to be) and waiting to eat the brownies - 24 minutes left - and the girls were just so cute laying on the couch together that I had to take a picture of them. - 23 minutes left - Okay. I'm all done. ps. I'll let you know how the brownies taste:)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Potty Training Troubles
I don't know what has happened since I took this picture, but Kate has completely regressed in her potty training progress. I have even put her back in diapers because I am so so so tired of cleaning up poopy messes and pee on everything. If any of you have any suggestions about what to do or how to potty train a little 3 year old PLEASE tell me! I need some help! Maybe she just isn't ready and I need to wait longer. I don't know. HELP!
Friday, March 20, 2009
1st Haircut!
I just cut Bryce's hair for the very first time! It really was time, but he just went from my little baby face boy to a handsome big boy. It tugs on my heartstrings. Why do they have to grow up so fast?
Here is the before... and here is the after:)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I'm a Cowboy, baby
Bryce's Aunt Coni sent him this cute cowboys outfit, from Texas, for his birthday and we just wanted to show her how cute it is on him. Thanks Aunt Coni! B with his proud daddy:)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Little Green Visitors
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Last night we had some leprechaun visitors come to our house and cause a little mischief (emphasis on "little" because they almost forgot to come at all:)). They stole our shoes and filled them with gold. and they dyed the toilet water blue (they must have run out of green food coloring:) and PLEASE excuse the dirty toilet - how embarassing!).
The girls couldn't figure out what a leprechaun was, but they were excited for the gold candy and they couldn't stop laughing at the blue toilet water. They finally got the idea about the leprechauns when I showed them Lucky on the Lucky Charms box. We ate them for breakfast and they were magically delicious! I hope you all have a great St. Paddy's day!
Friday, March 13, 2009
I just had to share the cute suggestion box that I just made for people to write suggestions in for Relief Society Enrichment Nights. I bought a 7X7 cardboard box from Walmart and then I used a free digital scrapbook kit called Happy Go Lucky from Shabby Princess to make the top and side covers. The picture is kindof washed out but I think it turned out so cute and I am excited to take it to church:) BTW - I just found the best website. It tells you where a lot of the cute freebies are for digital scrapbooking. If you are interested the site is raspberrypatch.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
New Blog
I just made a new blog for my brother Nathan while he goes on his mission. Just thought you would like to know so that you can check out his adventures and everything. I don't think he leaves until June so it won't really be going until then, but I just wanted to get a shout out for him. The address is natemorrismission.blogspot.com
Friday, March 6, 2009
Bits of Spring
Have you felt like this latley? Trapped inside your house wishing it was spring?! I am so tired of the winter blahs and when I saw Bryce trying to peek out the window it reminded me of how much I wanted to be outside so, even though it was a little cold, we went outside to play.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Bedroom Makeover
I've been so excited to redo my bedroom. (Sorry I didn't take a before picture but the walls were white and plain and there was nothing on the walls because I wasn't sure what to do yet.)I read somewhere that your bedroom should be a sanctuary where you can go to relax and it should be somewhere you love that you can go to get away from the kids and just enjoy. So... I painted it a relaxing shade of green (which you can't really see in these pictures) and got some new brown curtains to match the bedspread. I put a picture of Dave and I above the bed... Put up some shelves with some of our favorite pictures of us and one of the family...
Put up a picture from Hawaii, one of our favorite vacations together...
And put up this saying that says "Happiness is being married to your best friend". I love the way it turned out and now it is somewhere that I LOVE to be and read and relax. I did it just before my surgery and it has been so nice to have someplace nice to be while I've been in bed a lot. So there is my attempt at a home makeover:)
Monday, March 2, 2009
Mamma Mia
Has everyone seen Mamma Mia but me?! I just saw that this weekend and I loved it. Especially all the music. My girls have been dancing to it for 3 days. So fun. Hope you all have a great day.