We blessed Bryce on Sunday May 4, 2008 and it was such a fun and beautiful day. The sun was shining and the meeting was spiritual and the food was delicious and the company was the best! We loved seeing all of our friends and family and had fun talking and spending time with each of you. In fact, I talked and mingled so much that I forgot to take any pictures of anyone, so by the time I remembered, most everyone had left, and I decided to just do a photo shoot of Bryce on his big day. Here are some of the pictures.
Here is Bryce as he slept through the blessing and the party afterward. I think he looks so peaceful. When he finally woke up everyone was gone so we just took pictures of him with me and Dave.
While Dave took the girls on a walk, I took a hundred more pictures of Brycee to commermorate his special day. Lucky for you I am only sharing a few! I took them outside because it was such a nice day. Here he is looking serious.
Can you guess what he is thinking? Is it, "Hooray, I got blessed today!" or "Yea! The Jazz are in the playoffs!" Probably the first since the Jazz lost :-(
"See how happy I am, I am even smiling. It was great!"
I wanted to show off his cute outfit...
and his cute little stocking feet.It's only been about an hour and here he is falling asleep again.
And he's out. It's gonna be a long night:-)
I also had to show off the cute onesie that my friend Jodi made for him to wear for his blessing. It says "I am a child of God. Bryce David Mecham. 02-17-08" Isn't that so cute!
Here is a little extra info for those of you who saw the Killdear eggs in my neighbors yard. They hatched this morning (5/6/08) and they are so cute and tiny. I can hear them all right now just squawking away. There is the mom, dad, and 4 babies.
For those of you who wanted recipes, I am still collecting them, so I will post those another day. Thanks to everyone who came and supported us. We really appreciate and love you all.
Oh, Bryce looked SO CUTE. I wish I could have stayed longer to hold him. Your house and everything was wonderful. You've got so much talent! Like I said, I would have like to have stayed, but you know Uncle Brad! We'd like to get together sometime if you are up for it!
Happy Blessing Day, Bryce! To me he looks so much like Dave! Wish we could have been there on this memorable day. Love to all of you! Becky
Thanks for commenting on my blog. It is fun to find yours and read all about your cute family. I am sorry we missed Bryce's blessing. My parents were in town from California and we went to music and the spoken word and then we celebrated my mom's birthday. Hopefully we can get together soon.
Your Bryce is such a sweetheart!! I love his white outfit...I wish they could stay little forever.
Meg, He looks soo sweet. I am sorry I missed it. Everyone said how fun it was. Hope to see you guys soon.
Stupid Kansas. Why is it so far away?! Bryce looks darling in his little outfit. We wish we could have been there!! Everyone has been saying how cute your house is...well, remember the swap we said we were going to do when we were in college? I clean your house and you decorate mine. Then again, judging by the cleanliness of my house right now, that will have to be put on hold until 1) we move closer to you and 2) DCFS doesn't condemn my house. Anyway, I'm glad I could at least virtually be there for the blessing day through your cute blog....and those pictures of the half-eaten butter and "strawberry parade" crack me up!
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