Sunday, August 16, 2009

These flowers were given to me late last night, for our anniversary, which was 9 days ago:) We actually both forgot this year - oops! What a sweet hubby I have to finally remember! Happy Anniversary Babe. After 8 years we are both loosing our minds, but at least we're doing it together. I love you:)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Happy Anniversary, Meg and Dave!!! Doesn't time fly?! I swear I'm as young as those kids getting off missions. I hope you are feeling better, Meg. Those quotes are keepers. I wish I could be there to happy you up with some rollerblading or ice cream eating. I love your make-one-post-a-day idea. I'm excited to "see" a little Megan every single day! And one more thing: Does JaneElise allow custom orders? Your frames are so dang CUTE!!!